Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 4 - Class: Shape and Form

So I realized that last week I forgot to pick up the assignment sheet and two sitting next to me didn't get one either.

Maybe I forgot to take one and pass it on?

Anyways I didn't find a design for the class which was supposed to focus on repetition and pattern.

Luckily I had an extra design in my binder, the Matthew McConaughey one.

Here are design examples from class:

Up next was a lecture about shape and form.

Essentially shape refers more to a 2-D thing while form refers more often to a 3-D look and/or feel.

In the bottom figure the black blog is clearly the figure, and the white is the ground.

In this one, it's ambiguous as to which one is the figure and which one is the ground.

Now the white as taken over as the figure.

This one is the quintessential example of balanced figure/ground.

We tend to think of elements on the bottom as the figure.

Also concave elements sink into the background.

So now it was time for us to mess around with figure and ground.

LOL we had a dog visit us from the other rooms.

Here are my two stuff:

For our homework assignment, we were to create a thing just by using the two initials of our name.

So for me it would be "T" and "W". The catch is that one would be a dark color and the other is light.

We can only use certain fonts.

Then the teacher gave us a little demo about how to go about it.

That's all folks. Stay tuned to see what kinds of thumbnails I come up with!

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