Friday, April 15, 2016

Week 2 - Homework: Feedback on Thumbnails

The thing that is the most valuable part of the class that you will never get out of reading blogs like these is Personal Feedback.

The feedback that I get from my instructor is not as valuable to you, however you will get a sense of what kind of advice you will get from this instructor.

This is Ted one of your students from SVC.
I came into class with 12 thumbnails and only used squares.
I did the assignment again using all kinds of shapes now.
But I wanted to show you my 2 favorite so I can get feedback on them.

My one word is: "Jolt"

I attached my two colored thumbnails.

Within a couple days I got this detailed response.

TL;DR: The EKG and lightning bolt are too obvious. Go for more abstract. Something more like "impact" and that a sense of order was disrupted. I was more on the right track with the squares.

Hi Ted,
I’d like to see your “all kinds of shapes” options — not just these two. What these 2 share that we’re trying to get away from is that they use depiction of objects that are known that kind of stand in as a symbol for something happening which we’re “reading” instead of “getting the feeling of”. A lightning bolt or an ekg display are both symbols — the ekg represents already something we can’t see (the rhythm of a heart) and the bolt (although lightning bolts do look a bit like that) stands for electricity or shock. So you’ve gone from squares which you struggled to make evocative enough to symbols which take care of too much of the job for you. 
The word jolt is possible. Those four squares you had that were kind of erupting from the bottom had an element of jolting, they just need an instigating force, whether it be a line or a shape that’s not a lightning bolt, but that shares some quality of a lightning bolt. The difference with the squares is that they had a sense fo a orderly arrangement that had been disrupted. That was a physical, evocative diruption. What if you played with the word “impact” ? It might help to get away from the invisible force of Electricity and explore some tangible forces like gravity and mass. Impact can be crashing into something immovable, or something huge hitting something small, or something small and fast hitting something large and vulnerable, or two things of equal mass hitting each other. There are lots of possibilities, and it’s related to the word jolt a little bit. 
Send me more later if you need more feedback. Just remember, try for abstract — those squares were on the right track!Jenny

After I drew some more thumbnails, I got pretty bummed because I didn't think any of them were pretty good. Primarily I think one of the most important aspects of the word "jolt" is the time and how it occurs in a fraction of a second.

​Hey Jenny.
I'm struggling to really depict "jolt" in an abstract way.
I think one of the key aspects of that word is about "time". Jolts happen in a fraction of a second and I really desire to get that across to the viewer.
I've hit a wall with this. Maybe I've picked a word that is too narrow?
Anyways I have more thumbnails attached for you!
My crappy new thumbnails in an attempt to go more "abstract".

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