Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 2 - Homework: Final copy of "One Word"

So I got really pissed and frustrated because nothing was really looking good.

It was really hard to depict "jolt" so I emailed the instructor.

​Hey Jenny.
I'm struggling to really depict "jolt" in an abstract way.
I think one of the key aspects of that word is about "time". Jolts happen in a fraction of a second and I really desire to get that across to the viewer.
I've hit a wall with this. Maybe I've picked a word that is too narrow?
Anyways I have more thumbnails attached for you!

She responded:

Yes, try another word. Jolt is too specific and electricity is too invisible, so all you can see is before and after states.o224 looks like “merge” to me. How, with that new word in mind, could you increase the sense of merging? — could you use color to help the message? — what happens if you turn 0224 on its side? or 180 degrees?

So I pretty much decided to scrap out jolt and go for a different word: "Launch"

Using the process of elimination kind of like how Picasso did in "The Bull", I began by drawing a full image and slowly began elimination unnecessary elements.

And then I came to a conclusion that this is nothing "abstract" and frankly looks like complete shit.

I really got depressed and frustrated and even became quite uncomfortable to those around me.

I was really irritated for a good 30 minutes, until I realized that my art muscles in my brain haven't been worked out in quite a while.

I did a quick google search on how to draw abstract and I found a tutorial on how to do it. What I realized was they didn't pick a word, then draw it. They drew the abstract art without even thinking about what it was supposed to mean.

So instead of forcing the creative juices out of my brain, I decided to just have fun and draw fun shapes and sizes.

Things were really flowing for me after doodling around for a bit.

Until I finally found the one that I liked.

I present to you: FUSION!

And here are some pics of me putting everything together!!!

Okay so I didn't really have time to put all the energy beams on there. Oh well...

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