I gotta say "Arts and Crafts" has gotten a whole lot serious after getting these supplies. These supplies that I bought mean some serious business haha. This ain't your kindergarden art supplies that I bought.
Many of the supplies that I got are very specific. Like I had to purchase a specific brand and type of many of these things and stuff was not cheap either. No wonder artists are so broke. The supplies are so damn expensive!
Anyways here we go!
Here we are at the Dick Blick Art Supply Store!
Yes it's the one with the Jimi Hendrix statue in front.
Alright so my supply list doesn't look so bad. Just gonna find these supplies one at a time.
(We're gonna get the optional stuff later as instructed by the teacher)
Let's start with the pens!
Supply #1: Fine-tipped non-toxic black pen (example: Pigma Micron) *no sharpies*
LOL... this is already getting to be crazy. I guess we're too good for Sharpies now haha :P
Hmmm I guess there's something special about these types. Coincidentally I saw one of the designers at my work have one of these on his desk.
I literally have never seen this in my life.
There we go. Found the one I needed. Pigma Micron Fine-tip Black Pen.
Supply #2: Wide chisel-nibbled alcohol-based black marker (example: Copic)
Okay so these literally took me like over 15 minutes to locate these guys.
And why are there so many different fucking types of pens?
What the hell is "chisel-nibbled" (had to google to find out).
I gotta say thank the computer-gods for computers.
You literally have all these colors in the palms of your hands and can change them so easily.
There we go. Found the stupid black chisel-nubbed pen. Only had 2 on the rack. #winning!
Supply #3: HB (#2) Pencil and 6H Pencil
Here we have another ridiculous amount of different types of pencils.
Like who the hell invents this stuff haha.
Yay the #2 pencil! Something that I actually know! :)
And a 6h pen... whatever that means haha.
So the #2 pencil costed $0.29 while the 6h costs #3.05
I don't understand art pricing haha.
I'm definitely gonna need one of these.
Supply #4: White plastic eraser
Not much to say about this one. Pretty standard.
Supply #5: X-acto knife with #11 blades
Okay these were kind of a hassle. I had no idea there were different types of blades.
A different blade for a different purpose I guess?
I kind of got depressed because I thought I would have to buy the blade separate from the handle. I can already feel the bill racking up.
But it turns out the handle I found comes with a #11 blade! #winningagain
Supply #6: Cutting mat (approximately 11" x 17")
Lol. What is this sorcery?
A "self-healing" mat? Haha yeah we'll see about that.
Imma be really impressed if it actually heals itself.
Supply #7: Glue stick
All the different types of glue for different purposes.
I'll take the cheapest one please. Thanks!
Supply #8: Scissors
Okay so today I learned that scissors are really expensive... like some are over 10 bucks... and one was like over 30 bucks. wtf?
So I decided to just use the ones that I have at home. Yeup...
Supply #9: Metal Ruler / Straight Edge
Once again nothing new... just a shit ton of different types of rulers.
And yes I'll take the cheapest one again. :)
Supply #10: Drawing board pad, 9" x 12"
I guess this one is for doodling and stuff?
Supply #11: Bristol board pad, 9" x 12"
And maybe this one is for more serious drawings? It's much thicker and appears to have higher quality material than the previous item.
Supply #12: Studio Tack, LetraTac, or Grafix Double Tack adhesive film for mounting
I think she just wanted tape that is sticky on both sides.
I think this will do.
Supply #13: Itoyo binder, 9" x 12" or 3-ring with clear sleeves, 8.5" x 11"
And finally the binder that we'll be putting all our hard work in.
Lol they have a whole section in the back for it. It's like kind of hidden. I wouldn't have found this section unless I was looking for it. #hiddeninplainsight
I picked up a standard black binder with clear pages you can insert stuff into.
This is going to be awesome filling in my binder with all the work that I get done over the quarter!!!
So I'm gonna be dropping some serious dough on these over priced items so gotta get one of these to keep them together.
Time to go to the register.
FUCK! Shit costs over $74 dollars!
Oh okay so I guess I got some discounts? Saved like 17 bucks. Phew... still this was more than I was willing to spend. I better be a damn good designer after this.
So I spent over an hour in the store. Kind of agitated at the end of it as I had no idea where everythign was. I'm thinking Art Students have a much easier time in here. I was getting kind of flustered haha. What a noob.
That is all for today. Hope I don't have to spend more money! (but I probably will...)
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