Guess she's dropped out of class. :(
But it's okay the show goes on!
As usual the design share.
This time the design principle is: symmetrical and asymmetrical balance.
Next it was time to present our tool projects.
A lot of classmates did a really good job. Kind of made mine look like shit but whatever.
Kind of starting to realize that I really do come from a math/engineering background as opposed to a design background.
But it does make me wonder. What are all these creative people doing in a beginner design class? Or am I just that crappy?
I'm thinking I might just be one of those Math/Science nerds that is brave enough to enter the art world.
Anyways here are the classmates designs.
And my personal best one award (for what it's worth) goes to...
This one girl in my class is always making really good shit like this.
Time for the lecture!!!
Today we are going to talk about typography.
Here are just a bunch of slides that I took pictures of.
Alrighty it's time for examples of the final project!!!
Some of these are really damn good like no lie and some of them are meh...
I hope to make a project somewhere in the mid range of these designs.
That's it. Until next time!
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